Protect Your Child From Sexual Predators

In the current climate, many of my friends have expressed worry about how to raise kids in a sexually toxic climate. They worry about sexual violence, kids’ exposure to porn, protecting their girls, how to teach consent, and many others. Yes to all these things. But...

Why You Should Go To A Swinger’s Party

I can imagine the side eye you’re giving me right now. I get it a lot when I encourage people to go to a swinger’s event. So right off the top, let me clear up the biggest misconceptions: YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE SEX WITH STRANGERS. YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE SEX AT...

The First Message–Increase Your Chances That She’ll Reply

You’ve made sure your profile is perfect. It’s filled out, interesting, honest, and you have a great photo. But still, you send scads of messages with barely any response. What’s up, goddamn it?! It’s an unfortunate reality that online, many women receive more...

Online Dating–How to Have a Killer Profile Photo

Guidelines for a profile photo that will make her stop and check you out. Jenn Wodtke Sex Educator and Writer When Jenn isn’t travelling the world in search of inspiration and excitement, she calls Vancouver and Tokyo home. Her writings and teachings embody her...

Non-Erotic Fiction “Decaf Kingpins”

Decaf Kingpins Frannie’s cane rapped sharply against the cheap laminate floor. “Ernie! Wake up!” When he didn’t respond, she jabbed his good leg. “Ernie!” “Mission abort! Abort!” This time, Frannie bawled into his ear. “Ernie!” With a snort, he jolted to the present....

OKDiary June 27, 2017

Good lord. Check out the batshit crazy from some rando named Sam, who I NEVER once engaged with. He’s been messaging me constantly and expects me to regulate his emotions and experiences. Hells no! Jenn Wodtke Sex Educator and Writer When Jenn isn’t travelling...